Selasa, 27 Agustus 2013

Could Celebrity Big Brother's Sophie Anderton and Mario Falcone get it on?

Could Celebrity Big Brother's Sophie Anderton and Mario Falcone get it on?


Deep down, we all knew that single Mario Falcone would be on a mission when he entered the Celebrity Big Brother house. He was going to find some lucky lady and get hot, heavy and perhaps a little bit sweaty.

Mario appears to have been enjoying the company of glamorous Sophie Anderton, and is using the ancient laws of the school yard to get her attention.

"You old cow!" he taunts, before attempting to impress her with some mad maths skills. He's not quite sure which exams she was doing when he was at school, but eventually works out that when he's 29, she'll be 40. And he doesn't even need a calculator.

Sophie sensibly threatens him with a dead arm, but Mario is off again.

"Deep down you've got a really good heart. As soon as I met you...if you were single, different story." Yes, Mario, if Sophie were single, she'd AUTOMATICALLY go out with you. The Marquis De Sade didn't have your sense of entitlement.

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Put upon Sophie hurriedly promises him an "amazing" girl, but "not me, I'm too old for you." Mario persists. Sophie is "probably the most beautiful girl I've ever been in front of. I look at lips, cheekbones, stuff like that. Unique features." Because no-one else has cheekbones.

Plucky Mario then goes for the sympathy vote. "People call me Pinocchio," he moaned, as Sophie suggests they might be "jealous". Sophie, you'll be a great Mum one day.

Mario then tells Sophie that she's "so beautiful, so beautiful, so very, very beautiful" about 17,000 times.

Sophie rejoins: "I thought you were a chauvinistic idiot, but you're completely the opposite. If you were a chauvinist, you wouldn't be talking to me."

So we've learned that Mario isn't such a raging sexist that he's incapable of talking to other women. Well done, Mario. A plate of biscuits for you.

We hate to admit it, but watching the super confident Mario fail to get instant flirt gr atification has given us a giddy little thrill. We'll be looking out for more Falcone flirt fails. Let us know if you spot any!

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