Rabu, 26 Juni 2013

Amanda Bynes goes on Twitter rant claiming this bizarre post-surgery picture of her has been faked

Amanda Bynes goes on Twitter rant claiming this bizarre post-surgery picture of her has been faked

Amanda Bynes was spotted for the first time in a few weeks out in NYC
Even Amanda's dog's embarrassed about this one

Things have been a bit quiet on the Amanda Bynes front lately. Well, as quiet as they can be when you're Amanda Bynes.

The last we heard from her on Twitter, she'd "made it out of the surgery alive!" after having a nose job.

But after keeping a low profile for a few weeks, she's been spotted out in New York looking her usual 'eccentric' self,  wearing baggy grey leggings and her strange blonde wig, while holding her new dog, who looks a bit scared (we don't blame him).

And when the pictures surfaced she made some very bizarre claims about them on Twitter, telling her 2 million followers that the images of her face been 'morphed'.

Apparently this is Amanda's face morphed onto someone else's

If you're looking for an insight into what it's like to be mad, you could do a lot worse than check out the stream of consciousness of craziness that is Amanda Bynes' Twitter feed.

Not content with tweeting that she wanted Drake to murder her vagina and then calling him ugly , and that she was going to share a video of herself having a nose job , now Amanda is tweeting she'll sue anyone who prints this image because it's not her.

Although the former Disney star initially retweeted the picture after a 'fan' said she looked 'hot' in it (we're guessing they were being sarcastic), when Amanda started to get abuse for her strange look, she later tweeted t his:



We know Photoshop can do amazing things, but we're pretty sure that is you Amanda. Who's this 'they' that you think have been doctoring your photos anyway?

And if there are dark forces at work making pictures of Amanda Bynes looking crazy they've certainly been busy.

Amanda Bynes
To be fair, this could be anyone in a 99p wig


Things have gone from bad to worse after the wig-wearing star of Hairspray was arrested in May for allegedly throwing a bong out a window .

For the full story of how Amanda went from child star to car crash, click on this handy gallery.

Meanwhile, should someone get onto the RSPCA about that chihuahua of hers?

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