Rabu, 29 Mei 2013

'Baseless allegations': Fired Apprentice candidate Zeeshaan Shah blasts sexism accusation after clashes with Leah Totton and Natalie Panayi

'Baseless allegations': Fired Apprentice candidate Zeeshaan Shah blasts sexism accusation after clashes with Leah Totton and Natalie Panayi

Apprentice candidate Zeeshaan Shah told of his shock after being accused of sexism in the boardroom showdown which led to him being fired from the show tonight.

Shah was project manager of the losing team on The Apprentice trip to Dubai and brought Natalie Panayi and Leah Totton back into the boardroom with him.

But Panayi and Totton turned on the property investor, accusing him of having a problem working with women.

Shah said afterwards: "These are baseless allegations, I don't know where Natalie pulled it out from. It's completely below the belt and something I'm really not happy about. If you want to lie through your teeth then do it but do it with some r espect.

"There were certain parts of the boardroom that were not shown because I don't think they could have been shown. There were certain things she said - you heard me say to her 'can you mind your language' and it wasn't because she called me a male chauvinist."

The-Apprentice-S9 Ep 5 The final three Natalie Panayi, Zeeshaan Shah, Leah Totton,
Not sure Zee and Leah will be keeping in touch


This week's task was to source eight items for the lowest price possible for a new luxury hotel, but despite being led by Shah who used to live in Dubai, Endeavour lost having sourced only three items correctly.

Shah raised eyebrows when he failed to bring pals Neil Clough and Kurt Wilson back into the boardroom, even though they had both been responsible for buying the wrong items.

Shah said he could see from the start of the task that the blame would lie with him: "Blaming started very, very early. Normally when you get towards the end of a task and things haven't gone well you see people blaming each other but here from the start they were blaming."

Viewers saw Shah still had huge levels of self-belief after being axed from the show when he said: "The name Zeeshaan will go down in history. I'm not sure how exactly, why as yet, but it will."

And since he finished filming the show he admitted he is still not quite sure for what he will be remembe red.

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However, he said he is now working on a trade forum between the UK and Pakistan and said: "It's very important to dedicate yourself to a cause bigger than yourself."

He predicted Luisa Zissman would go on to win the show.

"Everyone's going on about the fact that she's very girly and a bit friendly and she's always running around in pyjamas and there's nothing wrong with that. But people are overlooking the fact that she's a very shrewd businesswoman."

Read our as-live updates from the episode below.

AND THE Z-MAN IS NO MORE. Leah has triumphed.

But why was she so  narky about him, right from the start? Was Zee really that much of a threat to her?

Shugs' verdict: “Zee, I think you put yourself forward as someone who knows it all, and clearly you don't know it all.

"You're not a man of modesty but I admire what you've achieved. You've obviously got a good business and I got the feeling, this fella here, everybody has had it in for him.

"Leah, I do hope that you have not used a personality thing against Zee because that would be very unfortunate.

"Natalie, two weeks ago, I told you I would be keeping my eyes on you and I have kept my eyes on you. And, it's regretful that you are back here again but you have shown me some passion here today and this is your very very last chance, I promise you. I don't want to see you here again, OK?

The-Apprentice fired candidate Zeeshaan Shah
Ta-Shah for now: Zee's out


"Zee your idea of coming into business with me is going to be with international trading in real estate and you've just demonstrated to me that you can't deal internationally. You are to blame for this task. It was out of control. Zee, you're fired”.

As the Z-MAN leaves in a black cab, scandalously not in the driving seat: “You know, I have so much more to offer. The name Zeeshaan will go down in history. I'm not sure how exactly, why as yet, but it will.”

By doing a Napoleon and invading Russia, maybe?

We'll always have his be-sunglassed face shining at us from the intro, at least.

Zeeshaan Shah
Styling and profiling... out of The Apprentice

See you next week!

'E's the Zee target. E-Zee target. Zee's the easy target. Crikey, that was hard work.

Natalie and Leah ("show some dignity") are far more embarrassing that Zeeshaan here.

Zee did ignore Natalie at one point but, going by what has been shown, the accusations of sexism are way off.

The former Phones4U's top salesman's confidence may be misplace but Kurt's foul-up was decisive, but Natalie did give Kurt the nod about the figures.

Why does she only become like a "bunny off a scratch" when she's pulling her X Factor sob story face in the boardroom?

But for her determination to sabotage the whole adventure right from the start, Leah should be a goner.

The-Apprentice-S9 Ep 5 The final three Natalie Panayi, Zeeshaan Shah, Leah Totton,
Not sure Zee and Leah will be keeping in touch


"I'm really sorry to say he proved me right," Leah reflects, on Zee's apparent failure to convice her not to sandbag the team at every opporunity.

Got a good poker face, hasn't she? Almost sounds like she meant the 'sorry' bit.

Meanwhile, Kurt is more vocal than ever. Shame for him that most of the time we hear him make any sound, he's owning up to being "an idiot".

Also, Alex wearing a gumshield. His face never takes time off.

Leah and Natalie are being pulled back into the boardroom with Zee. NOT Z-MAN, PLEASE NO!

Those Dubai task numbers in full...

Evolve sourced six items that cost £311.54. The team failed to get two items and incurred fines at the value of the items. In total their cost was £695.16.

Endeavour sourced four items and while they negotiated more successfully, the kandura was the wrong sort (modern rather than the traditional Emirati version) so the team incurred fines for five products at the value of the items. In total their cost was £783.36.

Evolve claim victory by a margin of £90 and are sent to sample drinks at a new cocktail bar as a reward, presumably because they're parched of booze after a few hours in the UAE.

But here comes LordSirAlan with a zinger that might even eclipse Alex...

His '20 Camels' gag was a bit of a stinker, but taking the mick out of Kurt's inability to understand figures and suggest he would probably call Myles 'Kilometres' was pretty good.

Took a moment for Kurt to work it out, though.

At least he got there.

"I feel rather misguided"," says Alex almost getting his words right as he slags down Zee.

Turns out he's probably right, for a change.

But he redeems himself with the best line of the night as he criticises the fragrance/musical instrument confusion: "No one wants to smell like a dining table."

Leah also obviously had doubts in anything that doesn't make her out to come up smelling of oud.


It wasn't us that upset LordSirAlan, honest.

"You're doing a great job, as quick as you can," Myles gees up the man making his flag.

Sounds like a softly-softly hint about heading back and getting some fresh Viagra in,  swiftness being key.

Jason, Jordan and Luisa finally work what an oud is after about seventeen hours armed only with a shedload of electronic communication devices, a fleet of cars and wad of somebody else's money as Leah, Neil and Alex continue to whine about Zee.

There seems to have been a massive oversight in not letting Luisa do her bikini business.

Jason Leech, Luisa Zissman and Jordan Poulton as they go shopping in Dubai
"Hi, I'm Luisa and that's the important thing"


"I'm in a very rush," says Neil in an amusing example of the candidates showing their international 'SPEAKEE THE LINGO?' communication prowess.

He isn't the worst offender, though.

Leah sounds like she's ready to bite faces off with frustration while Jason and Luisa getting all indignant about pronunciation of oud/food is just comical.

All those who expected Rebecca to be the narkiest, hang your heads in shame.

Hardly been in this episode, has she?

A cock up straight out of This Is Spinal Tap script with the flag dimension, and Kurt is doing what also appeared to be his 'maths face'.

Kurt Wilson.jpg
2 + 2 = .... centimetres?


Nick Hewer manages to gets a 'size matters' gag in - thanks for coming, Nick.

As it were, whoops pardon!

Where's that Viagra trader for an encore when you need him?

The Apprentice
How can anyone dislike a man that wears shades indoors? Good face Nick, by the way


"I don't need any of that, I'm from Wales," says Alex, offered fresh Viagra by a trader.

The lucky Welsh, they must be free of receiving those spam emails.

Not worth the web crooks' time, is it?

If Jason isn't called out on and requested to perform his falcon miming in the boardroom, Shugs should be fired.

"We're running around like headless chickens," complains instruction-defying Leah who, it must be said, was the clucker that coated herself in a blend of herb and spices, ran neck-first at a large axe, coat and then chucked herself into a fryer.

Not that anyone has suggested it anyway, but Karren looks to have dumped on the mobile phone shopping idea by pointing out - to the camera, not the candidate nurks - that this is a negotiation task, rather than a shopping task.

Then why is this more boring than being dragged to the shops on a weekend for seven hours?

And why hasn't the idea or cheating with smartphones even been floated over the last bajillion series of the show?

Myles, showing his nous, declares: "Let's go to the mall".

Nothing gets past this man including, possibly, a healthy approach to tanning.

And once again, this is where smartphones can help: Sainsburys definitely do click and collect. Argos, probably too.

This lot hardly even HOLD their phones correctly, though.

With all this barely concealed hate flowing from Leah, what odds on her taking a scalpel and placing it firmly in Zee's back come boardroom time?

The oud saga rumbles on with Alex sniffing his finger during fragrance discussion.

Does that smell of mahogany, Alex? Do none of this lot know that mahogany isn't a scent?

It also appears that in Apprenticeworld, no one has a phone smart enough to access a search engine.

How do they ever cheat at pub quizzes? Not much call four pub games out in Dubai, suppose.

And, to be fair, those roaming tariffs can be a killer.

"I have lived a glamorous lifestyle," says Myles as way of qualification for being PM.

Think that is what that tan is supposed to put out there, rather than that he has rather messy eating habits when it comes to a bowl of gravy.

Everyone seems to be a little foxed by one of the items: Oud

Isn't that a Doctor Who baddy that looks like it is regurgitating worms?

"No human being in the world intimidates me," brags Zee - the Z-MAN! - in a nod that may suggest he gets an absolute beasting at some point.

Sounds like no human in the world can beat him for arrogance either, as he tells Leah to put the map away because he knows the area "like the back of his hand."

These guys definitely need some Stuart Baggs the brand-style scriptwriters, these cliches are too pedestrian to mock.

Also noted: Leah looks well narked about not being PM.

But can she drive and look as cool as this at the same time? No, then Zee's the leader of all.

Zeeshaan Shah
Leah seems to be wheel-y unimpressed with Zee

Just to restate, the Apprentice candidates have been tasked to kit out a luxury hotel, the Waldorf Astoria in Ras Al Khaimah.

The hotel has over 300 rooms and the two groups have eight hours to find 10 items each. Decor is definitely 'minimlaist luxury', then.

Leah has been moved over to Endeavour, while Jordan's green trousers should be rapidly moved over to a bin.

Little tip, over-exuberant celebrator Jordan: best not to go to any football match in those.

Seems that LordSirAlan Sugar was unable to commit fully to a trip to Dubai to explain to the lads and lasses how they will be humiliated this time around.

So he's made a partial commitment instead, appearing on a TV screen as he addresses them.

Anyone else reminded of Nixon in Futurama?

Shugs explains to the candidates that he expects them to do business anywhere in the world. Particularly places he can't be bovved to go jet out to.


Zeeshaan - the Z-MAN! - is pretty stoked about heading to Dubai, a place where he's apparently lived and worked and so has "lots of local knowledge".

So he should know the best cafe to go and have a cuppa in when it all goes Luisa's knockers up.

Speaking of Luisa and her boobs - is anything else trending on Twitter? - she demonstrates her business focus by getting all worked up about the possibilities of giving her bikinis an airing in Dubai.

That'll go down well in the PHWOARdroom, etc. As would that fruity smile she gave after Myles joked about "let she who is without sin cast the first stone."

We are currently unable to confirm as to whether the next series will remain with the BBC or air on Babestation.

This week's alarm call sequence involves no shots of Myles flashing whatsoever. Isn't that what he is for?

However, half-naked Jordan is hairier than expected. How did blogging about this end up as a career?

"Pack your camels, we're going to Dubai," says Jason excitedly, possibly reinforcing some dubious national stereotypes.

The silly, pyjama-wearing floppy-haired posh fop. Whoops, now we've done it.

Last week Luisa staked her future on buffalo and FRESH FROM THE GROUND spuds during the farm shop challenge.

This week I'm staking my immediate future on some tortilla chips doused in the hottest chilli sauce known to humankind, so it could get all fired-y come my end too.

Just in case you missed last week's show, Uzma did one. Bye Uzma, missing your passive aggression already.

And while Kurt's milkshakes failed to bring any plaudits to the boardrom (or indeed, boys to his yard), he does have a very expressive face.

Kurt Wilson.jpg
Kurt gets brain freeze from drinking a milkshake too fast. Hopefully that's what it is, anyway

Says it all, no?

Hello and ta for getting involved with our Mirror Online The Apprentice blog.

The twelve remaining numpties are each out to prove that they have business know-nothingness in Dubai this week on a shopping task.

Okay, negotiation task. But still think that it'd all be better served if they just went the whole Big Brother reality show hog and made the success of these 'hanging around shops' tasks influence how much the candidates get to scoff until the next show.

Plus, show bosses would have the perfect excuse to go whole hog with Luisa. A challenge involving bouncing around on a trampoline while wearing a postage stamp doesn't seem all that unlikely.

So, get back here at 9pm and we'll point and laugh together. SHAKE ON IT.


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