Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

Me-OW! Scarlett Johansson is hot on AND off stage at Cat On A Hot Tin Roof debut

Me-OW! Scarlett Johansson is hot on AND off stage at Cat On A Hot Tin Roof debut

The Hollywood star brings her sex appeal to the stage in her new play

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Scarlett's our favourite cat-like person since George Galloway on CBB
Scarlett's our favourite cat-like person since George Galloway on CBB


She's known as a bit of a sex kitten, so you could say that Scarlett Johansson is purr-fectly cast as the star of Cat On A Hot Tin Roof.

If you're in any doubt about that, just take a look at these sizzling snaps of Scarlett making her stage debut in the play at the Richard Rodgers theatre in  New York last night, and then say we're wrong. Or just try to say anything at all.



Scar-Jo appeared on stage wearing a sexy nude-coloured nightdress, with her flame-coloured hair, red lips and painted nails only adding to her hotness.

Lost In Translation star Scarlett plays Maggie, the role originally played by Elizabeth Taylor in the film adaptation of the Tennessee Williams novel.

That's it Scarlett, just lean forward a *little* bit further...


Once the appreciative audience had given her a standing ovation (based purely on her acting skills, we're sure), Scarlett slipped out of her nightie and into an all-black ensemble, and annoyingly still managed to look sexy as hell despite being fully clothed.

The Avengers actress hit up the show's after-party at The Lighthouse at Chelsea Piers in a nipped-waist black top and stylish capri pants.

Even without her negligee on show, she's still pretty darn fine

Getty/film magic

It's not just her clothes that are getting the thumbs up, either - Scarlett's appearance in the play has won her rave reviews, with the New York Times saying “seems to possess a confidence that can turn raw nerves into raw power”.

And a sexiness that can turn grown men into a quivering mess. They missed that bit.

No wonder it's a sell out


Retro roles are becoming something of a Scarlett speciality - her next big film role sees her playing Janet Leigh (iconic Psycho shower scene included - YES) in Hitchcock , the biopic of the legendary director due to be released on 8 February. So if you can't make it to New York, you can still get your fill of Scarlett at her sexiest.

Does Scarlett make it into our official girl crush list? Let's have a look, shall we?


Then pop over to 3am for the latest celebrity news.

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