Sabtu, 19 Januari 2013

Justin Bieber law suit dropped by woman who claimed his concert damaged her ears

Justin Bieber law suit dropped by woman who claimed his concert damaged her ears

The gig-goer was looking to get $ 9 million in damages after claiming her hearing was ruined

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Justin Bieber: does bad things to ears
Justin Bieber: does bad things to ears


We've all had moments when we've wanted to rip off our ears just to have something to throw at Justin Beiber for inflicting his annoyingly infectious pop on us.

But mum Stacey Betts took things a step further last year when she tried to sue the Canadian pop star for damaging her ears during one of his concerts.

Justin sings, the crowd goes wild. Justin dances, the crowd goes wild. Justin could probably flick them the middle finger and the crowd would still go wild.


The mom filed the lawsuit after she and her daughter had donned their Belieber t-shirts and gone to see the teen heartthrob in concert during the summer, saying that her ears had been damaged by the loud screaming of fellow fans, or - in her words - that she was 'injured by a sound blast that exceeded safe decibel levels.'

She also claimed to "suffer hearing loss, tinnitus and hyperacusis in both ears" which had lead to "anxiety, loss of sleep, and depression."

Justin Bieber
He's just so street


In the document obtained by TMZ, Biebs' former fan went on to say that Justin himself made things worse as he "created a wave like effect of screaming by pointing into various sections of the arena" when he travelled into the crowd in a "heart-shaped aluminum/steel gondola."

Justin then apparently "enticed the crowd into a frenzy of screams by continuously waving his arms in a quick and upward motion."

Justin Bieber's fan climbs a fence outside Vertice Studios during el Hormiguero Tv programe on June 4, 2012 in Madrid.
Wherever you find Bieber, you will find an excited crowd of teenage girls (and a guy - check him out), like this lot in Madrid


She added: "The gondola that Justin Bieber was suspended in acted as a sound conductor creating a sound blast that permanently damaged both of my ears."

Having originally attempted to sue Justin, his record label, the concert promoter AND the arena for the little sum of $ 9.23 million in damages, Betts asked the court to dismiss the case last week because she doesn't have a lawyer and can't continue with the case on her own.

However, she says that she still beliebes - sorry, believes - in her case. She just probably won't be listening to another Bieber song in a while.

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