Kamis, 17 Januari 2013

Find out which housemate is favourite to leave Celebrity Big Brother on Friday

Find out which housemate is favourite to leave Celebrity Big Brother on Friday

With the whole house being up for eviction tomorrow night, find out which CBB contestant is set to get the boot

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Following last night's dramatic episode of CBB, which saw Ryan and Razor being caught breaking the rules and discussing nominations, the WHOLE house has been put up for eviction.

So with Claire, Rylan, Gillian, Ryan, Frankie, Tricia, Speidi and Razor facing the public vote - who's going to go? What do you mean you don't know? Fine, we'll have to ask the bookies.

According to Ladbrokes, Tricia Penrose is the clear favourite to be evicted on Friday night - with the public forgetting all about her as they vote to save.

Tricia Penrose and Gillian
Tricia and Gillian are both at risk, given that they don't do anything at all in the house


Despite putting everyone else up by accident, Razor and Ryan appear to be safe - with their plan of getting the women out actually working! Gillian and Claire are second favourites to go, while Rylan continues his reign on top.

The nominations twist came about after Ryan and Razor were punished by Big Brother for having a chat about who to vote for in the house.

Throwing all of the rules out of the window during their secret chat in the garden, Big Brother revealed that Razor told Ryan: "If you wan to last until the end, vote the girls."

And we thought he was a gentleman! At this point, the housemates in the living room looked shocked - covering their mouths as they willed the conversation to stop. But it didn't.


Agreeing with his pal, Ryan said: "If Speidi stay tonight, the public want them in. They wont win, but the public want them. So don't waste it, put it elsewhere."

And Razor concluded: "We're not allowed to talk about voting. But the girls are not voting for each other."

After BB had reported the conversation back to the boys, Ryan and Razor were told that they would be up for nomination as a result.

Giggling, Razor said "Fair enough", while Ryan agreed "Yeah, that's fine".

Razor and Ryan in the Diary Room
Razor and Ryan simply chuckled when they were punished

But Big Brother wasn't finished. The ominous voice added: "As punishment, ALL of the housemates will be up for eviction."

At this point, Ryan and Razor started laughing even more, falling apart like a couple of schoolboys in detention.

Razor chuckled: "We're not that clever - this wasn't meant to be nasty, but thank you for reminding us of the rules."

They weren't laughing when they got back into the house, mind, the ladies were watching on the screen and NOT amused.

They'll be even more annoyed when one of the women is actually voted out though!

Let's take a closer look at the maths, shall we? You know, not that it means anything to us.

See ya, Tricia. Hey, that rhymes!


Odds on who's leaving tomorrow night...

Tricia 7/4

Gilian 3/1

Claire 4/1

Ryan 8/1

Speidi 9/1

Frankie 10/1

Razor 16/1

Rylan 100/1

And odds to win...

Rylan 1/4

Neil 7/1

Frankie 12/1

Speidi 16/1

Ryan 20/1

Tricia 20/1

Gillian 33/1

Claire 40/1

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