Selasa, 18 Desember 2012

The 90210 wardrobe department appears to have suffered budget cuts and can't buy the cast members any clothes

The 90210 wardrobe department appears to have suffered budget cuts and can't buy the cast members any clothes

It's 13 degrees in Beverly Hills this week. Which suggests that the cast should be wearing at least 13 items of clothing. Unfortunately that doesn't seem to be happening

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Don't worry - despite telling you exactly what happens in the last ever episode of Gossip Girl , we're not going to spoil this series of 90210 for you.

That's unless you hadn't realised that the entire point of 90210 is getting to watch incredibly pretty girls wearing incredibly small bikinis.

In which case, we can only apologise for ruining the surprise.


AnnaLynne really, REALLY wants to pass the pencil test

AKM-GSI / Splash News

Because judging from these photos of AnnaLynne McCord, Jessica Lowndes, Shenae Grimes and Jessica Stroup - the fourth season of the incredibly realistic TV show is pretty much exactly the same as all preceding seasons of the TV show.

And that's OK - as far as we're aware, nobody's actually watching it to find out what happened to Dixon following that car crash / who Naomi decides to fall in love with and ultimately destroy / how many ways the producers find to keep Jessica Lowndes happy by letting her sing on the soundtrack.

Looks like Jessica has been shopping in Tammy Girl in the late 1990s

AKM-GSI / Splash News

To be honest, we'd suggest putting the show on in the background after finding the mute button on your remote control. But just looking at these photos makes our teeth chatter so loudly that really isn't even necessary.

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