Jumat, 21 Desember 2012

“Crotchless knickers were my worst Christmas present”: Sienna Miller tells Jonathan Ross

“Crotchless knickers were my worst Christmas present”: Sienna Miller tells Jonathan Ross

As far as embarrassing moments go this was probably up there â€" Sienna’s godmother gave her the naughty gift

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Sienna has a very pleasing face
Sienna has a very pleasing face


Oh cringe. Crotchless knickers are weird at the best of times, but when they are handed to you in a box, gift-wrapped, by your… godmother, they take on a whole new level of awful.

That was exactly what happened to Sienna Miller one Christmas when she was given a pair of draughty undercrackers by her the woman who her mum and dad believe should guide their daughter through life.

Oop, legs closed please Sienna


Sienna's baby was conceived with the help of her godmother. Read on...



Actress Sienna is a guest on the Jonathan Ross Christmas Special when she recalls her toe-curling story.

“My poor godmother was trying to be current and went to Agent Provocateur and bought me some really nice lace underwear that looked relatively prim. I was thrilled to open up this gorgeous underwear, because girls love getting nice underwear,” she tells Jonathan.

“Then I held the knickers up and realised they were crotchless. She didn’t realise and she was horrified. There was this moment of kind of ‘thank you so much’.”

Jamie Oliver liked Sienna's story very much



It sounds like the saucy present didn’t go to waste though and Sienna and boyfriend Tom Sturridge made, er, use of the inadequate gusset.

“And then I got pregnant, so there we go.”

Sienna and Tom had baby Marlowe in July (the sums don’t really add up â€" Christmas â€" July is only six months… maybe it was the Xmas before), and she also speaks about how hard it was to film her latest movie The Girl while up the duff.

“I was bombarded with live pigeons, seagulls, the works,” she says. “Beaks and claws and pregnancy and morning sickness.”

The Jonathan Ross Christmas Special is on ITV at 9pm on Saturday December 22. It also stars Michael McIntyre, Jamie Oliver, Sheridan Smith and Ellie Simmonds. Charlotte Church performs.

We don't know what Charlotte's wearing either



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