Kamis, 27 Desember 2012

Awww: Jessica Simpson celebrates her pregnancy with a holiday to Hawaii with Ashlee and their mum

Awww: Jessica Simpson celebrates her pregnancy with a holiday to Hawaii with Ashlee and their mum

Rumour has it, the family ate sandwiches for Christmas dinner. Get it? Sand-wiches? Because they're wearing bikinis on the beach? Sorry. We'll stop now

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Jessica, Eric, Maxwell and foetus take a walk
Jessica, Eric, Maxwell and foetus take a walk


After Jessica Simpson announced that she was expecting her second child on Christmas Day (note: she announced the news on Christmas Day. She is not expecting the child to be born on Christmas Day. That's a gestation period we wouldn't wish on anybody) we did a happy whoop in her direction and put our Newlyweds DVD back in the player.

Meanwhile, Jess continued having the time of her life in Hawaii with her fiance Eric Johnson and daughter Maxwell. 

And the family weren't alone there - Jess' sister Ashlee, her son Bronx, and the sisters' mum Tina were there too.

Ashlee Simpson, Bronx and family have a sand fight on the beach in Hawaii
It's hard to tell which of these two is the four year old boy
Ashlee Simpson, Bronx and family have a sand fight on the beach in Hawaii
Speaking from experience, that hoodie is going to have sand in the seams for AGES
Ashlee Simpson, Bronx and family have a sand fight on the beach in Hawaii
We're getting the impression that Ashlee's the only one who wants to play


This year is all about new beginnings for me," Jessica said in her latest advert for Weight Watchers. "I lost over 50 pounds on Weight Watchers and did not have to be perfect to do it. Being healthy has become a part of who I am...which is great timing, because I'm having another baby."

And even though her pregnancy was a surprise, Jessica seems pretty excited about spreading her legs and popping out another human being: "I feel like I'm on top of the world," she said, rather enthusiastically.

Which is nice.

Meanwhile, Kevin Federline's brother might be the "true father" of Britney's eldest son, Sean Preston.

Maybe she should go to Hawaii too.

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