Rabu, 19 Desember 2012

Amanda Seyfried on recreating explicit porn scenes, Abbey Clancy's striptease, Jahmene’s new single and more! Just Sayin'

Amanda Seyfried on recreating explicit porn scenes, Abbey Clancy's striptease, Jahmene’s new single and more! Just Sayin'

Amanda Seyfried describes how she recreated graphic sex scenes with a lollipop, Jahmene films a celebrity Christmas single, Abbey Clancy strips off and more!

\ '; $ .ajax({ type: 'GET', url: urlToRequest, dataType: "json", success: function(friends) { if (friends.length > 0) { // we have some friends to display! First replace the existing social-media div $ ('.social-media').first().css('position','relative'); $ ('.social-media').first().css({'height':'72px', 'margin-top':'15px'}); $ (".social-media").first().html(rlAddThisLargeButtons); if (window.addthis) { window.addthis = null; window._adr = null; window._atc = null; window._atd = null; window._ate = null; window._atr = null; window._atw = null; } $ .getScript("http://s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js#pubid=mirror&domready=1"); $ (".social-media").first().append(''); $ (".social-media").first().append(''); // output the found friends RLShare.init(friends); } } }); } }); }); //]]>

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